Thursday, August 13, 2015

Booty Blaster

Need low impact, no jumping, easy on the feet and knees PiYo may be the workout for you! Every workout has a modifier. You use your own body weight to get the job done. No weights or equipment

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

FREE 7 Day clean eating group

๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™Remember this post about my free give away!?? ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š Well I've recently been told I should hold another Free 7 day clean eating group before school starts. So my thought was to wrap this meal prep/clean eating group around the new fixate cookbook where every recipe and tip I share will come straight from this cookbook!! Would I have any people interested in a FREE group like this kicking off Monday the 17th up until 23rd right before school starts on the 24! If so like this post AND comment or message me "I'm in" 
Can I get at least 10 people who are in!?

Click this link to or comment below to get included

My WHY for becoming a BEACHBODY COACH

Its real.. It's 100% on the spot emotion. 

Upper & Lower Body workout in one move

Starts with the decision to TRY

I'm an over thinker, a busy body and procrastinator.. but yet again when I want something and get something set in my head I've got to have it and I've got to do what I got to do to get it. No matter what you want to accomplish it starts with the decision to try and if you fail it's just the chance to start again only better next time. Eventually you'll get what you want with hard work, determination and consistency. I've got a lot on my plate I want to accomplish. What are you trying to accomplish?

Food is Fuel

Food is Fuel
Scales don't measure health
Exercise for health not punishment
You are capable of self love!

God changes plans for the better

Finally we have pictures. So excited to get them up in frames in our home so our home looks like our home if you know what i mean! :) So thankful to have such a hardworking loving man by my side every day!

Its crazy to think that at this point we are newly weds, been married 5 months August 21 and we should really be drowning in final touches before what should have been our wedding date of Sept 26th.

Amazing how God changes plans and they worked out better than what you originally had planned for yourself in the beginning. :)

But First... COFFEE! :)

Busy Day Saturday with a wedding. Multiple hair updo's in Des Moines but first coffee while I grabbed my tote with all my hair stuff!

I had my Shakeology early that morning to keep me full until lunch and It worked. My stomach didn't start getting hungry til a little after 1pm. Once of my favorite reasons for my daily shake. Keeping me full!!

Wedding was a success and I can't wait to share updo pictures!!

Strawberry Avocado Salad

Strawberry Avocado Salad
Working late and no quick supper ideas throwing this salad together turned out pretty good!!

-Spring mix organic lettuce
-dash of lemon juice & a little natural olive oil for dressing

Serving people one by one with value

Serving people with value is what I do. My salon business is nothing but giving the best service I can and adding value to their life. Same goes with my coaching business. Adding value to people because I share my own journey. Sometimes I feel that everyone is judging, thinking the skinny girl can stop posting all her happy, workout selfie pics because its annoying and no one likes to workout that much. You would be right. I don't like to workout... I love the after affect of what my workout gives to me. Happiness, less stress, more energy, healthy body, and results from my hard work. Then I got a personal fb message from someone who I really didn't know that well. When I was feeling like I should stop posting so much about fitness and health I then read what she had told me.

"Because of your journey posts, if I have put off working out all day and I see your post it gives me that extra drive to push play, so thank you and keep posting, some of us see you as an inspiration."

I've never really heard that before! I motivated her with my journey to continue and push play on her own journey! That can make a girl feel loved right there. I started Chalene extreme last night for my workout because I finally pulled the trigger and bought select tec weights!!! I haven't done this program in forever because of my lack of weight size selections.. So there is no excuses here. I have every size needed to complete this program!

Forget all the haters! Haters will always hate! Think of that one person you inspire! :)

Exercise is the best DRUG!

I've been out of the swing of things the beginning of the summer and I've just recently got into it again and hardcore I may add! Haven't missed a day in 3 weeks other than my rest days. Getting back into it makes me feel so empowered, happy, less stressed, and tired than I did before when I fell off the wagon. Exercise really is the best drug out there! Get on it!! :) Why not feel good about yourself!?