Thursday, July 9, 2015

Make your own Laundry detergent for $.04 a load

If you are a pinterest junky like me you have seen all sorts of different concoctions for making your own this and that? Save money by making your own mixtures and its better for you and the environment. I've decided to make my own laundry detergent. I made my own dishwasher tablets too but being that I have no dishwasher right now (new one hasn't been delivered yet, old one has been unhooked! Insert... I HATE DOING THE DISHES!! lol ) I haven't tried those yet. But i did however use the detergent for the first time today on my salon towels!
I must say, feels soft, smells oh so good, and lots of color stains are gone. 

Here is the ingredients I tried for my first attempt at making my own laundry soap. 

1 box of Super Washing Soda
1 box of Borax
1 box Pure Baking Soda
3 bars of Ivory Soap
1 container Oxy-Clean
*optional: Downy Unstoppables for scent* 

Container to hold it all in. I got a cheap $1 plastic rectangle container and lid at Target. 

Total came to a little over $20 (walmart prices) and this is makes 18 POUNDS of detergent! At 1 or 2 tablespoons a load thats a lot of loads- 504 loads to be exact! = $.04 a load compared to $.12 a load for your average large Tide detergent only getting 102 loads. Less gas to get detergent and way cheaper in the long run! For sure is this my future choice and it doesn't take long at all to mix up! 

What to do: mix all ingredients and stir. You can melt the ivory soap and add it in or use a food processor to grate it down! Grating the soap is super simple! 

Tell me what you think when you try it! 

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