Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Happy to be Alive.

Last night's end to the day could have been so much more, but a headache got in the way of the final things I wanted to accomplish yesterday. 
Monday's are my day off. Aren't days off suppose to be fun, lounge around, stay in pj's all day kinda days!? Unless.. its winter time and I'm in hibernation mode that day off isn't so much of a day off as it is my get EVERYTHING that I didn't get done last week, and get EVERYTHING I want done for this week done day. But, because of my headache I was in bed by 8! That NEVER happens. The blessing behind going to bed that early was being wide awake and ready to start my day by 6:30 am.

 It was a chilly morning but I made my morning smoothie (recipe below) and decided I just wanted to sit out on the deck and watch the sun come up, birds chirp, and the chilly spring breeze. Sunrises make me happy. Getting to just Sit. Enjoy. Think about my upcoming day made me happy. As I get older I realize to be thankful for the little things. This was nothing much. It lasted only 15 minutes, but it got me going in the right direction for the day. 

Smoothie Recipe:
1 cup Cashew Milk
1 cup ice
1 package Vanilla Shakeology
handful of large strawberries
Blend & Enjoy!

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