Thursday, June 11, 2015

Shave less this Summer

I don't know about you but no matter what the time of year I could shave EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Blaaaaa..... Literally I could shave in the morning and by the afternoon I have what I call "rough pricklies" and feel the need to shave again. Ugh.. Gross I know. 

I'm lazy in the shaving department, so I'm up to try almost everything to simplify my morning routine. Nair... One big sales pitch that in my experience doesn't work. Being an esthi Ik I could wax.. But letting the hair get pretty long so it attaches to the wax doesn't sound appealing in the summer. No way am I getting lazer... talk about expensive and OUCH!! They say lazor feels like getting snapped in every single pore with a rubberband. NO THANK YOU I think I will just continue to shave! 

 DIY has become huge from every home improvement project to homemade hair, skin, and nail solutions. 
 Becoming more aware of what's really in all the products we use I've started slim picking certain products for the more organic, natural option.  I've tried this option last night to see if it really works and I think it does! Now let me clarify. You still have to shave! It's not some quick fix that eliminates leg hair for weeks on end.. no! But it definatly makes my legs smoother and softer for longer. 
Use oil as your shaving cream. 

1 1/4 Cup Sugar
1/2 Oil
3 tablespoons Lemon or Lime Juice 
Also recommended was (20 drops) Lemon Essential Oil but I didn't have that oil on hand so I opted for the Lemon juice instead

Followed by coconut oil as my lotion because Coconut Oil has lots of moisturizing properties. 

Try it out and tell me what you think. 

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