Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Heal aches and pains naturally

Recently I got this big bump on the bottom of my foot, right below the pink toe. When I was in shoes, I was fine but when I was bare foot I found myself walking on the inside of that foot because of the bump and pain when stepping on it. I also admit I think it was self inflicted. Its finally summer so I've been barefoot, in flip flops and shoes that are plain and simple....NOT GOOD for my feet. Being on  my feet all day in the salon Ik..Ik.. I should be in tennis shoes all the time. But come on... cute maxi dresses/ skirts just can not be worn with tennis shoes! 
So I did what I always did and asked mom exactly what she thought it was. I knew it had to deal with the muscles/tendons in my foot and leg. Not sure if it was tight or I over stretched those muscles and tendons doing something. I do know from the massage training I've had, where the issue is giving you pain usually isn't the exact cause of your problem. The problem stems from somewhere else in your body and where you feel pain is because of other reasons. 
That leads me then to my doctor.. Young Living Essential Oils cabinet. My cabinet since I'm married is more like a drawer of 4 main oils I use that my mom gave me. She has tons. I need more. I just haven't had the issues to need them every day. 
After work I would put
 1. Valor 
 2. Lavender 
3. Peppermint
 (in that order) 
on my foot and up my leg. There were days that I would forget and the next day I would remember again to rub them in daily because my foot would really hurt again. Now I can say that a month later and consistent use of oils, I am completely pain free. Rubbing those three oils on the bump, around my toes, following the tendons and muscles to my heal, up and around my ankle, and up my calf muscles complete took care of my issue. 
You will find out I don't like taking meds. No matter what it is I'm not going to the doctor unless I'm in mega pain. I wasn't given some pain meds that hide the pain but don't fix the issue that will flair up again a month later. 

I believe 100% in the use of Young Living Essential Oils. :) 

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